This website is operated by:
Scrum Academy GmbH
Oststr. 11-13, 50996 Cologne, GERMANY
Telephone: +49 151 610 599 38
– hereinafter referred to as Scrum Academy –
Management: Sohrab Salimi, Dr. Severine Saleh
Registry court: District Court Cologne
Registry number: HRB 77902
VAT ID: DE276206356
Legal information
Scrum Academy GmbH provides services exclusively to companies as defined by §14 BGB.
Dispute Resolution Program
We are not willing or obliged to participate in a Dispute Resolution Program.
Scrum Academy publishes a multitude of information on their websites that is being updated regularly. You may store, share and reproduce this information and link to the website of Scrum Academy or Agile Academy ( and The information may not be changed or falsified. In case of sharing or duplicating this information we ask for indication of source. Due to the technical characteristics of the internet we do not guarantee the completeness and exactness of the given information. Only printed publications are officially valid.
The information on this website has been carefully reviewed by Scrum Academy GmbH and is being updated regularly. However, Scrum Academy cannot guarantee for all details to be complete and correct at all times. This applies especially to all links to other websites referred to directly or indirectly. Scrum Academy does not have any influence on external contents of third parties available on this domain. Therefore, Scrum Academy does not assume any responsibility for such contents.
All logos, brands and trademarks on this website are the property of Scrum Academy GmbH or other third parties. They may not be used, stored, copied or passed on in any form without written permission of Scrum Academy or other third parties.
The brands/trademarks of Scrum Academy GmbH include Scrum Academy, Agile Academy, AgileTMS and Agile100 as well as the subdomains and
This website was created with utmost care. However, Scrum Academy cannot guarantee for the correctness and accuracy of the contained information. All contents of the Scrum Academy website are available to you without any responsibility or liability on the part of the service provider mentioned above. Scrum Academy reserves the right to change or complement the available information on the website. Scrum Academy does not assume liability for any loss or damage resulting from the direct or indirect use of this website provided that they are not based on intent or gross negligence.